The topic of how to wean a dog from barking at everyone in the street worries many breeders. If representatives of small breeds do not cause much fear in passers-by, then large dogs can seriously frighten a person, especially if we are talking about children.
In such a case, it will not be possible to avoid trouble. In addition, constant and causeless barking irritates the owner himself.
Therefore, if such a problem arises, you should immediately familiarize yourself with the recommendations of dog handlers. They will help you master the skills of how to wean a dog from constantly barking for any reason.
Why does a Dog Bark at Everyone for no Reason?
First, let’s find out why a dog barks at everyone on the street. Dog handlers say the main reason is the pet’s insufficient level of socialization. This means that he simply doesn’t know how to behave in a given situation.
It is necessary to establish the clear reasons for what exactly provokes a dog to bark on the street.
This could be:
- The appearance of an animal (cat, other dogs, birds);
- A crowd of passers-by;
- Unfamiliar environment;
- Passing cars, etc.
If your dog barks at everyone and everything, it may not have adapted to the new walking conditions. You may have gone for a walk in an unfamiliar area. In this case, the attacks of uncontrolled barking will disappear as soon as your pet regains his confidence.
A dog can bark due to its character. This phenomenon is often found among representatives of small, decorative breeds . These individuals like to bark just like that, without a reason. If the pet is spoiled, the owner’s order will not stop it. It will continue to bark.
It is important not only to accustom the dog to the conditions of a walk, but also to teach it to follow commands that serve as a signal for an immediate stop to barking.
Dogs bark because of unspent energy. If the owner spends little time with the pet, does not walk it enough, then, when on the street, your friend will rush to express his wild joy in this way.
A dog’s barking does not always indicate its vicious nature. Barking is a way to express feelings and emotions. If a pet is unsure of itself, afraid, happy or confused, it will certainly bark. In addition, some objects, animals, and people can evoke negative memories in a dog.
For example, a puppy was beaten by a cat or pecked by a rooster in its childhood. The dog will most likely bark at these types of animals when meeting them.
Cynologists assure that if a dog barks when it gets to an unfamiliar place, there is no need to panic. A well-trained dog will calm down and stop making sounds. After all, its owner is next to it, which means it is protected and confident. Yes, dogs not only protect people, but they themselves need their protection.
The training process will be quick and effective if the owner has a good, trusting relationship with his four-legged friend.
It should also be noted that young dogs bark more often at passers-by. They are playful, active and mobile. Barking can be a way to release excess energy, relieve stress, as we would say in the case of humans.
Be that as it may, there is no need to be afraid of a barking dog and panic. It is time to move on to training your pet.
How to Stop a Dog from Barking at Everyone?
Let’s move on to the question of how to wean a dog from barking at people. A barking representative of any breed can scare people. The injured party may not only be indignant, but also complain to the appropriate authorities about the owner. Therefore, if a dog barks at passers-by, you need to familiarize yourself with the methods of how to wean it from this.
Let’s describe effective methods:
- The following action will help wean an adult dog from barking on the street. Let’s say you are walking and the dog starts barking. Stop the walk immediately, that is, stop. Continue the walk only when the barking fit ends. Over time, the dog will understand that there will be no walk while it barks.
- A special method used by dog trainers helps wean a dog off barking. When teaching the “Voice” command, it should also be taught to respond to the “Quiet!” signal. In this case, when the dog starts making sounds, the person should carefully cover the dog’s muzzle with their palm and say the “Quiet!” command.
This method gives good results. The dog can be calmed even in difficult situations, when it is especially important to maintain silence.
Important! You won’t be able to wean your dog off barking with occasional training sessions. Training must be ongoing.
Dogs are familiar with their owner’s character no less than he himself is informed about the characteristics of his pet. Many animals know how to manipulate people.
If you want to silence your pet by giving him treats, nothing good will come of it. The dog will always bark, hoping to get a treat. This method should not be used. In addition, there are special methods that silence the animal:
- To redirect your pet’s attention from the object that provokes barking, grab the animal’s ears. Do not pull hard or cause pain to the dog. Just lightly touch the ears of the barking dog.
- You can distract your dog from frantic barking by spraying water on the neck or head. If you know that your pet is prone to uncontrollable barking, take a small spray bottle of water with you on a walk. As soon as your pet starts barking, immediately spray him with the liquid.
This method should only be used in extreme cases, when the barking resembles hysteria.
Attention! In particularly severe cases, sedatives are used. If the dog is nervous, prone to causeless barking associated with anxiety, stress, the veterinarian may prescribe special drugs. They must be given according to the prescribed norm.
There are also special collars that can be used to control barking. The device contains a capsule with a smelly liquid. As soon as the pet starts barking, the owner pulls the leash slightly. The liquid begins to evaporate. The unpleasant smell distracts the dog, and it stops barking.
Less often, they resort to shock collars. But dog handlers are prejudiced against them and consider the method inhumane. The dog is shocked with electricity while moving its larynx. The strength of the discharge is, of course, not great. But the sensations are unpleasant. Basically, this means is used if the animal has an evil, aggressive character.
Important! If you hear your pet barking, do not try to stop the sounds right away. First, figure out the reason for the barking. Perhaps your friend is warning you about a danger that you do not notice.
If independent training does not work, the dog still does not leave any object without attention during a walk, then it is worth asking for help from professionals. Experienced dog trainers will wean your pet from barking without a reason, regardless of its breed, age and character traits.
Effective Methodology: Tips from a Dog Trainer
Let’s move on to dog trainers’ advice on how to stop a dog from barking at everyone on the street. In general, it’s worth mentioning who dog trainers are. These are specialists who train dogs. Training takes place at different levels and depends, first of all, on the dog’s purpose.
The question of how to teach a dog not to bark at passers-by worries not only ordinary dog owners. Sometimes silence is required for a dog’s activities. For example, it can be a member of the staff of law enforcement agencies and help catch criminals. In this case, professional training is essential.
Cynologists recommend starting the training process before the dog reaches adulthood. It will be more difficult to do this later.
- If the puppy is already familiar with the command “Come!”, you can use it during barking. As soon as the pet starts barking, you should call the puppy. It will be distracted and stop barking. The pet should be praised for following the instructions.
- If a dog barks loudly and annoyingly for no reason, you can gently squeeze its mouth. It is important that the animal does not feel pain.
- Cynologists claim that a dog will bark out of boredom. In this case, it needs to be provided with toys.
- To wean a dog off barking at people, you can take it to crowded places on purpose. First, put the dog on a leash and put on a muzzle. The walk is fast, running. The animal concentrates on the movement and “forgets” about the need to bark. After some time, the pace of the walk is reduced. As a result, the dog gets used to society. This method is effective for those breeds that are not socialized, not accustomed to society, for example, you took into your home a city dog that spent part of its life on a chain or in an enclosure and was not properly walked.
- If a trained dog barks at people during a walk, you can pull on its leash or interrupt the process by forcing the dog to come to the owner. It should understand that it will not be able to run and play if it continues to bark.
Cynologists insist that the breed’s characteristics must be taken into account. Among the small representatives, the most “talkative” are:
- Chihuahua
- Pekingese
- Toy poodles
- Spitz
- Miniature pinschers
- Lapdogs of all kinds
Decorative dogs bark because of their size. They try to instill fear in others in advance so that they do not harm them. The owner of such breeds needs to enjoy the special trust of their pet. Then he will feel safe and will not bark at passers-by.
Large breeds also often bark for no reason. Most often, German shepherds, collies, shelties, chow-chows , and shorthaired pointers bark . Since large dogs can scare people with their barking, training will have to be approached very seriously, and if necessary, additional means will have to be used: medications or collars.
Fact! It is better to send a large breed puppy for professional training right away. In the future, it will be easier for you to cope with your big friend.
Some dogs start barking at people already in the entryway. The thing is that they consider this territory to be “theirs” and protect it from strangers. In such cases, the pet is taken out and brought into the apartment on a short leash, and small four-legged animals are picked up.
With large breeds of dogs, you need to act “proactively”. As soon as the animal tenses up, about to bark, the leash is pulled.
If a dog barks on the street at a stranger with whom you have entered into a conversation, it needs to be calmed down by gently stroking or patting it on the back.
It is quite possible to wean a dog from barking and empty barking if you follow the recommendations of dog trainers. But you should also take into account the fact that excessive measures can lead to the opposite process.
The dog will not bark even when it is necessary. It will immediately attack. And we know that by barking a dog warns that it can become dangerous. Therefore, if your friend barks for a reason, it should be praised.
The training process should be approached seriously and without haste. Then your dog’s behavior will only please you, and you will get rid of the unpleasant consequences of unreasonable barking.