Most novice breeders do not know how to train a puppy to use a diaper quickly and effectively in one place. The process significantly simplifies the life of the dog owner and provides at least some order in the apartment.
Moreover, some dog breeds generally prefer to relieve themselves without leaving the familiar territory. Therefore, the problem is really relevant.
Today we will talk about how to train a puppy to use a toilet in an apartment on a diaper.
At What Age Should You Start Training a Puppy to Use a Diaper?
First of all, let’s find out at what age the puppy is accustomed to a diaper. The answer cannot be unambiguous. The condition depends on several factors. The breeder must take them into account. The learning process is influenced by:
- Dog breed
- Age
- Adaptation speed
- Psychological state of the animal
Puppies come to their new owners at different ages. Not all pets are taken at the age of 6-8 weeks. Experienced dog handlers claim that as soon as the four-legged pet gets used to, that is, adapts to the new conditions of keeping, it will stop dirtying the apartment.
That is, it is important to create the necessary conditions for a new family member to live comfortably. You should not shout, and especially not use physical violence, if the baby did his business immediately upon arrival. He will be scared and next time he will simply try to hide in a secluded place, instead of making a puddle in plain sight.
Typically, by the time a puppy gets to a new owner’s home, the process of control over the process has already been formed. Once the dog “accepts” the family and home, it will try to keep the territory clean.
But this does not mean that you need to let things slide and be patient. The puppy is accustomed to the diaper as soon as it gets into the apartment. And training does not depend on the age of the pet. But the training methods depend on it.
Therefore, it is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of at what age to start training a puppy to use the toilet at home. This should be done as soon as you have a future show winner and loyal friend in your hands.
However, dog experts claim that the range of the term is wide: from 4 to 12 months. In some cases, it is extended to 18 months, that is, the dog does not control the process, being an adult. But there are reasons for this, which we will discuss later.
How to Train a Puppy to Use a Diaper at 3 Months?
So, a three-month-old puppy has arrived at your home. Let’s figure out how to accustom a dog to a diaper in an apartment in this case.
Ideally, the puppy will already be trained by the previous owner. You will only have to introduce the new inhabitant to the place where the diaper is. At 3 months, the dog should already be vaccinated, trained to eat and go to the toilet. But in some cases, the pet turns out to be “ill-mannered”.
At this age, the dog already controls the process of urination and defecation. It will not wet itself in its sleep or during feeding. Gynecologists recommend bringing the pet to the diaper every time after sleep and feeding.
You can also see that the dog is looking for a place to do its business. You should bring or lead your four-legged friend to the diaper. If it did everything correctly, do not forget to praise it.
It is worth noting that even trained dogs can sometimes pee in the wrong place. Do not use force or shout. But using a stern voice is allowed. Breeders assure that even three-month-old puppies are well versed in the intonations of the human voice.
There are two ways to accustom a puppy to a diaper. In the first case, newspapers or diapers are spread throughout the apartment. Over time, the dog chooses a comfortable place for itself. That is where the diaper is left, gradually removing others.
In the second case, newspapers are used to cover a limited area where the puppy lives. It does not have access to other areas of the apartment. Here, one newspaper is also removed. The puppy will never want to do its business on the cold floor. It will move to the remaining bedding. Gradually, the number of diapers is reduced to one and the dog is allowed to move around the entire apartment.
Simultaneously with the toilet training process, a three-month-old puppy is also trained to go for a walk. It is introduced to a collar, a leash, and taken for a walk.
Attention! If the dog has made a puddle in the wrong place, it should be treated with a special solution. They are sold in pet stores. Such solutions eliminate the smell that attracts the puppy.
The puddle is carefully soaked with a disposable diaper and the prankster is placed on it. It is forbidden to poke your nose into the puddle, as many novice breeders do. The pet will not understand why it is being scolded for natural, physiological processes. It will start hiding, and you will lose the trust of the new member of your family.
Remember that a puppy is the same as a child. Children also do not learn to use a potty right away. And it is difficult to say the age of a child when he will start asking to use a potty. It is all about individual characteristics. Therefore, be patient and indulgent to your four-legged child.
How to Train a Puppy to Use a Diaper at 2 Months?
Now let’s talk about how to accustom a puppy to a diaper at 2 months. This is still a small baby, and even more patience will be needed.
For a two-month-old puppy, it is more suitable to cover the entire area with newspapers or diapers. Gradually reduce the amount of bedding, reducing it to a minimum. Also create conditions for comfortable living. The dog should not be afraid of you.
Training a 2-month-old puppy to use a diaper should be associated with such activities as feeding, sleeping and playing. At this age, dogs most often go to the toilet 10-15 minutes after waking up, eating or during active games.
You will have to keep an eye on your friend for a while. As soon as he starts to show anxiety, looking for a comfortable place, take him to a previously prepared diaper.
Keep the puppy on the mat, but do not scold or spank. When the pet calms down a little, it will start sitting down and doing its important business again. Praise your pet, give it a treat.
By three months, the puppy usually already knows its toilet place. By this time, you start going outside with it.
The walk should not be less than 30 minutes. Cynologists believe that during this period the dog will adapt to outdoor conditions and will try to mark the territory. Do not go inside immediately after the animal has gone to the toilet. Let it run around a little more.
How to Accustom a Puppy to a Diaper at 1 month?
Particular difficulties arise when you need to accustom a puppy to a diaper at 1 month. In this case, you need to take into account the age of the pet. It is still very small. And it cannot even properly control the process.
For a one-month-old puppy, the best option would be to allocate a limited area. Then he won’t get underfoot, risking his life, and leave puddles everywhere.
A playpen is perfect for these purposes. But you can also simply separate the area with accessible fences. The floor is completely covered with diapers or newspapers. Their number is reduced as the puppy grows up.
When you let your puppy out for a walk around the apartment, don’t forget to put the diapers in a visible place. Gradually, he will understand what is required of him.
By the age of three months, the dog is already being trained to walk. Cynologists recommend walking puppies several times a day. With age, walks are also reduced and brought to twice the number.
It is unreasonable to scold, and especially to beat a month-old baby. He will not even understand what you want from him. It should also be said that the apartment needs to be prepared before the puppy gets into the house. Remove all carpets, rugs, shoes. If the floor is covered with expensive material, it is better to temporarily cover it with less expensive, one that will be easy to clean.
In general, it should be noted that it is too early to accustom a one-month-old kitten to a diaper. The pet can do its business anywhere. It does not control the process due to its age.
Just create comfortable conditions for yourself so that cleaning does not take up all your time. But you need to introduce the diaper already at this age. And, of course, do not forget that a baby, torn away from his mother, has settled in your house. Show maximum patience, affection and tenderness.
Why doesn’t the Puppy Use the Diaper?
Even experienced breeders face the problem of a dog not going to the diaper. But they know what to do. As a rule, puppies 2-3 months old are accustomed to the diaper. There is no point in training if the dog is less than 1.5 months old.
In the case when the dog refuses to go to the toilet on a diaper in the apartment, you need to figure out the reasons. There may be several:
- Age: Training begins no earlier than when the puppy reaches the age of 5-8 weeks.
- The dog has not adapted. Everything takes time. If the puppy lives in the apartment for only 7-14 days, there is no need to panic. The adaptation process is not complete. Help the baby.
- Breed characteristics. Huskies , for example, have a complex character. The training process can last up to 6 months. Before this age, they simply do not want to control the process.
- Change the toilet location. The diaper that the dog prefers cannot be moved from place to place. It must be in one place. It cannot be removed.
- Dirty diaper. The area around the diaper and the bedding itself must be kept clean. If the puppy accidentally misses, carefully clean the area and treat it with special solutions that eliminate odor.
- The puppy is afraid. During the process, the puppy hears a noise that scares him. He associates it with the toilet place.
- Also, consider the features of the diaper. Products can be disposable and reusable. A reusable diaper should be washed and dried periodically. The dog will not go on a wet and dirty diaper.
Disposable diapers need to be changed on time. They should remain dry. The puppy would rather go to the toilet somewhere else than get its paws wet.
Important! It is better to buy a reusable product. This will save your budget. You need a huge number of disposable diapers, considering that the learning process can be delayed.
What to do if the Puppy does not go to the Diaper?
Once you have found out the reason why the puppy does not go to the diaper, continue training. Start by eliminating all the factors that prevent the puppy from getting used to the home toilet.
If it turns out that the puppy is too small or has breed characteristics, create the best conditions for quick cleaning of the apartment, that is, just wait and provide yourself with conveniences.
Change the bedding as it gets damp. Make it a rule to wash and dry reusable items, no matter how much you don’t want to do it.
Do not move the diaper from place to place. Focus on the dog’s preferences. Leave the diaper that it especially likes in the same place.
Before you take a small puppy into your home, think about your free time. The training process will stop if you are never home. You should be closely involved with your pet. If you work and return home late in the evening, it is better to take a grown puppy. Dogs aged 5-6 months are usually already accustomed to walking.
It is extremely important to accustom your dog to a diaper. There is no point in waiting until your pet grows up and learns to go to the toilet outside . A dog that is not accustomed to the toilet will continue to ruin your apartment. The concept of “toilet” will not exist for it. In addition, for some reason you may not go for a walk. In this case, your pet will know what to do.
Thus, puppies begin to control the process of urination and defecation no earlier than 5-6 weeks. It is not worth accustoming the puppy to the diaper at this time, but you need to introduce it to the product. If the dog refuses the diaper, find out the reasons, eliminate them and continue to patiently accustom the pet to order. Believe in yourself and your friend. Then you will definitely succeed.