As a dog owner, you know how important it is to keep your furry friend happy and healthy. From regular walks to balanced meals, you go above and beyond to ensure their well-being. But have you ever thought about your dog’s dental health? Just like humans, dogs need proper oral care to prevent issues like plaque buildup, bad breath, and even more serious conditions such as gum disease or tooth decay.
Today you will learn how to provide your dog with proper oral care. Let’s talk about brushing teeth. Before you brush your dog’s teeth at home, let’s find out the importance of the procedure.
It is recommended for almost all breeds without exception. During the process of feeding, plaque accumulates on the dog’s teeth. If it is not removed in a timely manner, problems usually arise:
- Bad breath ;
- Gums become inflamed;
- Teeth are destroyed;
- Tartar is formed.
Cleaning your dog’s teeth at home should be organized correctly. Otherwise, you will not achieve the goal for which the event is being held. Moreover, your pet may bite you or you yourself may injure it with careless movements.
Should dogs’ teeth be brushed?
Caring for a dog’s teeth at home is considered an important part of proper maintenance. Tooth enamel needs to be cleaned. The question of whether a dog needs to have its teeth cleaned is not relevant for professional breeders. They understand that homemade food or ready-made food does not fulfill the task of food that wild animals and beasts eat. The food is soft, not fibrous.
Therefore, tartar and plaque form on the enamel. Many breeders are interested in whether it is necessary to clean the teeth of a large breed dog. The answer will also be positive. Especially if the owner rarely introduces hard food (bones) into the pet’s diet.
How to Clean a Dog’s Teeth at Home?
Let’s figure out what exactly can be used to clean a dog’s teeth at home? Not all dogs are given such procedures. Cat owners, for example, do not encounter such problems. But dog breeders are perplexed.
It’s very simple. Pet shops and pharmacies offer a wide range of necessary accessories. They are created specifically for dogs and meet all the requirements of specialists (veterinarians, dog handlers, etc.).
If you are wondering which toothpaste is best for brushing your dog’s teeth, then initially focus on the properties of the substances that are components of the product.
Manufacturers add the following to dog toothpastes:
- Chamomile, calendula (eliminate inflammatory processes of the gums);
- Propolis (has a beneficial effect on gums, relieves inflammation, heals small wounds);
- Silver ions (strengthen tooth enamel).
- Also, make sure that the composition does not contain mint. Cynologists believe that the specific aroma and taste are unpleasant for dogs. Moreover, it may lose its sense of smell.
If your dog’s mouth smells bad, you can use baby toothpaste (for children). It is important to review your pet’s diet. Most likely, the smell is associated with digestive problems. A consultation with a veterinarian is recommended.
Some dog owners prepare mixtures for cleaning teeth and oral cavity themselves. There are two common “recipes”:
- Mix tooth powder intended for children with a small amount of baking soda. The dog’s teeth are whitened. But if this remedy is used frequently, the integrity of the enamel may be damaged.
- White chalk is ground into powder and lemon juice is added. A thick mixture is needed. The consistency is applied to the brush and the teeth are brushed. Lemon juice can irritate the mucous membrane. Be careful.
It is better to use accessories and means developed by zoologists. They are intended only for dogs and cope with their purpose.
In addition, the procedure requires a toothbrush. There are three main types:
- Fingertip. Put on a person’s finger. The surface is equipped with bristles made of silicone or similar to those found on human toothbrushes. This option is used to organize the procedure for puppies, large breed dogs, or overly restless pets.
- A brush with a long handle. Ideal for representatives of decorative breeds. The length of the handle varies, as does the shape. Focus on your preferences. Some people find it convenient to use a brush with a rounded handle, while others find it more convenient to use a shorter one. This device can effectively clean both the front teeth and reach the back teeth.
- Electric. Works on batteries or from a battery. Makes a characteristic sound. Cleaning is effective. But the electric option is taught either immediately after the puppy is with a new owner, or only when the dog stops being afraid of the procedures and is accustomed to hygienic measures.
Remove plaque from puppies with a finger wrapped in a bandage or napkin. The method is relevant for dwarf breeds. In this case, the finger is first wrapped in gauze, the selected product is applied to it and the same actions are performed as when cleaning with a brush. You can start accustoming to the procedure with this method.
Important! You should not climb into the mouth of an unfamiliar dog, as well as a dog that has not encountered these procedures. The dog must learn to trust you.
How to Brush Your Dog’s Teeth at Home?
Let’s figure out how to properly brush your dog’s teeth at home. It is worth noting that sometimes it is impossible to organize the procedure due to the size of the pets. Aggressive, large breeds are suitable for teeth cleaning organized in a veterinary clinic.
Before you brush your dog’s teeth, read these quick instructions.
- First, the dog should be given the chosen product to sniff. The dog should understand that it is safe and that no harm is going to be done to it. This condition is mandatory if the dog has not previously encountered such procedures.
- Carefully lift your four-legged friend’s upper lip. The teeth should be clearly visible. Run your finger along the exposed fangs and incisors. The animal should not be afraid of you. Cynologists recommend repeating the pet’s name and talking to it in a gentle tone.
- Gently touch the teeth with the brush. If the dog does not show signs of aggression and does not resist, continue making movements, gradually moving deeper into the mouth. At first, only the outer side of the jaw is cleaned.
- Gently press on the dog’s mouth. As a result of this action, it will open it slightly. Start cleaning the inside of the teeth. This is an optional action. The pet cleans the surface of the teeth with its tongue on its own. But if there are plaque deposits, tartar, the procedure is mandatory.
The whole procedure takes a few minutes. It shouldn’t take much time. If the dog behaved well, didn’t growl, didn’t try to run away, reward it with a treat.
Postpone the event if the dog is in a bad mood. If you did not manage to brush all the teeth at once, repeat the cleaning later. Gradually, your pet will get used to brushing his teeth, and will not resist.
Answers to Popular Questions
Beginning dog breeders are especially interested in some questions. They concern the hygienic procedure for dental and oral care. We will answer the most popular questions from breeders.
At what age should you start brushing your dog’s teeth?
Caring for your dog’s teeth and gums should become regular from the age of 6 months. Until this point, the dog only grows baby teeth. Puppies and young dogs can be given special toys and bones. Plaque will be removed naturally.
The question of when to start brushing your dog’s teeth also depends on the degree of tameness and socialization of the pet. You are unlikely to dare to climb into the mouth of an angry dog that is not adapted to new conditions. By the age of three, representatives of all breeds already need regular procedures to keep their teeth healthy.
How to train a dog to brush its teeth?
So that you don’t wonder how to brush a dog’s teeth if it bites, accustom it to the procedure while it is still a puppy. Some breeders teach their pets the “Teeth” command. The dog places its muzzle on the owner’s palm and lifts its lips. Violent actions are prohibited. The pet may hurt itself or you. Accustom it to the procedure gradually.
How often should you brush your dog’s teeth?
The question of how often you need to brush your dog’s teeth depends on the breed of your pet and the condition of its oral cavity. Consult with your veterinarian. He will indicate the exact number of procedures that need to be organized. Individuals that are fed soft food need more frequent brushing.
On average, 2 times every 7-10 days is enough.
Can dogs brush their teeth with human toothbrushes and toothpaste?
It is not advisable to use human pastes. It is permissible to use tooth powder or toothpaste for children. In general, opinions on whether it is possible to brush a dog’s teeth with human paste are ambiguous. Some experts allow this option, provided that it does not contain mint extracts. Your friend does not need a refreshing effect.
If you still decide to use a regular, standard toothbrush, then choose one with soft bristles. It is better to give preference to special devices. Their shape is adapted specifically to the dog’s jaw.
Can you brush your dog’s teeth with chlorhexidine?
Regular use of chlorhexidine for cleaning teeth is not practiced. It is an antiseptic for external use. It is used to treat skin wounds. The drug is used only if the dog: has inflammatory processes, bleeding gums or wounds on the mucous membrane.
It is important to consult a veterinarian.
Can you brush your dog’s teeth at home with baking soda?
Some veterinarians allow the use of soda and hydrogen peroxide for cleaning teeth. But these products destroy enamel. If for some reason teeth cleaning must be organized immediately, and there is no opportunity to buy a special product, you can use baking soda. It is mixed with water. A paste-like mixture should form. Professional breeders never use soda. There are many special pastes. They are quite affordable.
How do they clean dogs’ teeth in veterinary clinics?
The question of how dogs’ teeth are cleaned in veterinary clinics is very common. Here they offer an ultrasonic method. The procedure is fast.
Professional teeth cleaning for dogs is organized before participation in exhibitions.
In addition, the procedure can be carried out under anesthesia. If the dog is restless, aggressive, but the condition of the teeth worries the owner, he can use these services.
Often, it is ultrasound that removes tartar. Those breeders who did not take care of accustoming their pet to regular teeth cleaning in a timely manner cannot do without a visit to the veterinarian.